The use of psychotropic drugs by students at a university center in Cascavel, Paraná.




Psicotrópicos, jovens, estudante, patologia, prevalência


The irrational use of psychotropic drugs is a public health issue, due to the risks that these drugs may cause in the short and long term. Psychopharmaceutical abuse is present in the university environment, in which the use of anxiolytics, antidepressants and psychostimulants are gradually increasing. This study aims to determine the prevalence of psychotropic drug use by young students. The research was conducted in a private University Center, located in the city of Cascavel, Paraná, where the structured self-report technique was applied, in which students recorded their own information about the use of special control drugs. The study population consisted of 587 students, of which 15.8% were on psychotropic drugs, with antidepressants being the most representative class (81.7%). It is concluded that the use of psychotropic drugs by young students is high, with higher prevalence in females.

Author Biographies

Adrieli Lais Gotardo, Centro Universitário da Fundação Assis Gurgacz

Farmacêutica pelo Centro Universitário da Fundação Assis Gurgacz. Cascavel (PR), Brasil.


Claudinei Mesquita da Silva, Centro Universitário da Fundação Assis Gurgacz

Docente do curso de Farmácia do Centro Universitário da Fundação Assis Gurgacz. Cascavel (PR), Brasil e Doutor pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde, Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Maringá (PR), Brasil.


Heloise Skiavine Madeira, Centro Universitário da Fundação Assis Gurgacz

Discente do curso de Farmácia do Centro Universitário da Fundação Assis Gurgacz, Cascavel, Brasil


Leyde Daiane de Peder, Centro Universitário da Fundação Assis Gurgacz

Docente do curso de Farmácia do Centro Universitário da Fundação Assis Gurgacz e Doutora pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biociências e Fisiopatologia, Universidade Estadual de Maringá. Maringá (PR), Brasil.




How to Cite

Gotardo, A. L., da Silva, C. M., Madeira, H. S., & de Peder, L. D. (2022). The use of psychotropic drugs by students at a university center in Cascavel, Paraná. SaBios- Journal of Health and Biology, 17(1), 1–10.