O BEBUM QUE NÃO BEBE: Um Caso para Ensino Sobre Orientação Empreendedora


  • Elvis Silveira-Martins PPGDTSA/UFPel
  • Marina Oliveira Daneluz PPGDTSA/UFPel
  • Felipe Köpp Leite FAT/UFPel


gestor, empreendedorismo, orientação empreendedora


O presente caso para ensino objetiva contribuir para o processo de reflexão acerca do papel do gestor da empresa, como tomador de decisões, no ramo alimentício, considerando as dificuldades e barreiras encontradas pelo mesmo, bem como as estratégias e ações que a empresa formulou em decorrência dessas conjunturas. O caso apresentado conta a história do Circulu’s Lanches, protagonizado pelo gestor da empresa, João, que em meados de 1991 decidiu entrar em uma sociedade com um membro da família e iniciar sua empreitada no ramo do serviço de lancherias. O decorrer da história traz à tona as dificuldades encontradas pelo gestor durante os anos e ainda, as principais ações do gestor e de sua equipe, suas inovações e criações, como o famoso “Xis Bebum” e a Maionese do Circulu’s, que culminaram no que hoje é um negócio de sucesso e referência no mercado em que atua. Na sequência, notas de ensino para docentes serão apresentadas, com sugestões de discussões e aplicabilidade no ambiente educacional.

THE DRUNKER THAT DOES NOT DRINK: A Case for Teaching on Entrepreneurial Orientation


The present case for teaching aims to contribute to the process of reflection about the role of the manager of the company, as a decision maker, in the food sector, considering the difficulties and barriers encountered by the manager, as well as the strategies and actions that the company formulated as a result of these conjunctures. The case presented tells the story of Circulu's Lanches, carried out by the manager of the company, João, who in mid1991 decided to enter into a partnership with a family member and start his work in snack bar. The course of the story brings to light the difficulties encountered by the manager over the years, as well as the main actions of the manager and his team, his innovations and creations, such as the famous "Xis Bebum" and Circulu's Mayonnaise, culminating in today it is a business of success and reference in the market in which it operates. In the sequence, teaching notes for teachers will be presented, with suggestions for discussions and applicability in the educational environment.

Biografia do Autor

Elvis Silveira-Martins, PPGDTSA/UFPel

Doctor in Administration and Tourism at University of Vale do Itajaí (2012), Master in Administration at University of Vale do Itajaí (2006), undergraduate in Administration at University of Passo Fundo (2003). Currently is Professor of the undergraduate’s (administration) and master’s courses (academic: PPGDTSA and professional: PROFIAP) and ad hoc appraiser of the Education Department of Brazil. Is Editor of the Tourism and Administration Electronic Review. Has experience on the management of education and industry organization. Scientific awards: 2011 – The best paper strategic organizational area in XIV SemeAd (Seminars of Administration); 2016 – Honorable mention paper strategic organizational management area in 2016 ADM (International Congress of Administration). The themes of Strategic behavior; entrepreneurial orientation; dynamic capabilities; organizational ambidexterity ; environment and performance are research interests.




Como Citar

Silveira-Martins, E., Daneluz, M. O., & Leite, F. K. (2017). O BEBUM QUE NÃO BEBE: Um Caso para Ensino Sobre Orientação Empreendedora. Perspectivas Contemporâneas, 12(2), 211–233. Recuperado de https://revista2.grupointegrado.br/revista/index.php/perspectivascontemporaneas/article/view/2496



Caso para Ensino