A violência doméstica contra a mulher: o papel e a perspectiva dos profissionais da psicologia e do serviço social





Violência Doméstica, Institucional, Feminismo, Prevenção, Acolhimento


Domestic violence against women is still very present in society, affecting a significant number of women and families, producing damage in a biopsychosocial dimension, as well as hurting human rights. This form of violence is the consequence of a historical process marked by a patriarchal society, in which men have built for themselves a social place of supposed superiority, and in which women have been relegated to a less privileged condition, at first enclosed in the domestic life circuit, and later, when they enter the world of work, they are even less valued and recognized for their work capacity. Over the years, feminist organized social movements have been bringing about changes in this perspective, conquering places where only men used to occupy, fighting for women's rights and for gender equality. This research has the objective of understanding the perspective and performance of Social Assistance and Psychology professionals in assisting women victims of domestic violence. In the discussion of the results, the perception of these professionals about domestic violence is verified, if they have already witnessed it in an institutional space, the causes that contribute to its occurrence and what measures can be taken to reduce it. In conclusion, verifying the bibliographic study and qualitative research, it is verified how the issues of domestic violence, such as patriarchy and machismo are still present in our daily lives, being necessary preventive measures to reduce the occurrences of violence and should be thought of protective measures for the victims of this violence.

Author Biographies

Adoniran Josue de Carvalho Avelino, Universidade de Passo Fundo

E-mail: adonirancarvalho@live.com

Robert Filipe dos Passos, Universidade de Passo Fundo

E-mail: robert@upf.br



How to Cite

de Carvalho Avelino, A. J., & dos Passos, R. F. (2024). A violência doméstica contra a mulher: o papel e a perspectiva dos profissionais da psicologia e do serviço social. Perspectivas Contemporâneas - Contemporary Perspectives, 19(1). https://doi.org/10.54372/pc.2024.v19.3604



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