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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Responsibility Term for Article’s Submission: The author undertakes that article sent for evaluation is unprecedented and original, and that it will not be submitted to another journal during the review process and in case of publication is accepted. The article’s copyright, if it is published, are automatically transferred to SaBios - Revista de Saúde e Biologia which is authorized to publish it in printed, digital or other existing way, without financial reward to authors.
  • File format: The author should make sure that the article will be sent in the Microsoft Office Word file format program.
  • Formation: The author should make sure that the article’s formation was performed as described in guidelines to author, found in "About" section.

  • Articles will be published in order of acceptance rather than its receipt by the journal. The article will be evaluated by the magazine's editorial board and submitted to evaluation of two members of editorial board from different locations. Author may monitor the process at the same journal’s electronic address.
  • All "URL" addresses (e.g.: should be active.
  • Attention when registering authors. All authors should be properly registered, with name, affiliation and address for correspondence. Once submitted the article, it will not be possible to register additional authors.
  • The articles submitted by students (graduate, specialization, master's and doctoral) must have the co-authors of a advisor professor.
  • All authors must be aware and in accordance with the submission of the article to SaBios-Revista de Saúde e Biologia.
  • Authorship assigns credit and implies responsibility for the published content. The authors undertake that they participated in the preparation of the manuscript by at least one of the criteria presented below:
    a. Active participation in the discussion of results;
    b. Review and approval of the final version of the work.

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for the authors

Please register the authors. All authors must be properly registered, with name, affiliation and correspondence address. Once submitted the article, it will not be possible to register additional authors.

Article’s Elaboration Language:

Articles may be written in Portuguese or English.

File format: The article should be sent in Microsoft Office Word file format.

Format: The manuscript should contain the following format: -- Must be prepared in A4 size (210mm x 297 mm) paper, with higher and left margins with 3cm, and down and right margins with 2cm.

 -- Font must be Arial size 12 and 1.5 cm line space in all the manuscript

 -- Number of pages must appear in the upper right corner, starting for the title page. -- All references should be cited in the text.

 -- Titles of sections should be written in capital letters, while the subtitles should contain capital letter in initial letter only.

 --Abbreviations and Units: use the International System of Units (IS) for units and abbreviations of units. Presentation: It should cover the following topics:

 -- Short and informative title (in English and Portuguese) without abbreviations, written in capital and bold letters

 -- Complete name(s) of author(s). All names should be followed by overwrite numbers to identify the institutions.

 -- Institution(s) of each author (Department, College, University, preceded by overwrite indicative numbers.

 -- Name and full address for correspondence, including zip code, telephone number, number of fax and author’s e-mail to which the correspondence and copies requests should be sent. These data should be preceded by the term: Correspondence address.

 -- Subtitle, used as a header of the page, should not exceed 40 characters. It should be preceded by the word: Subtitle.

--Abstract (in English and Portuguese): should show clearly the objectives, methodology, results and conclusions. It should contains from 100 to 250 words and be written in single paragraph with simple space between lines (NBR 6028).

 --Keywords (in English and Portuguese): from three to five words that clearly express the article’s content, separated by period, with first capital letters. They should be preceded by the term: Keywords.

 --Text: should meet the criteria for each category, according to the instructions available in focus and scope.

 --Acknowledgements: They should be brief and related to technical assistance, opinions, as well as to research financial support and study grants.

Tables and charts: should be inserted as close as possible of the text in which they were mentioned. Title should appear above the table and/or chart. It should be preceded by the word Table and by its sequential number in the text (Arabic numerals). Tables should be understandable and self-explanatory. Abbreviations should be defined on subtitles.

llustrations and photos: should be inserted as close as possible to text in which they were mentioned. The title should be placed below the figures, preceded by the word Figure and its sequential number in the text (Arabic numerals). Abbreviations and symbols should be defined even if they are explained in text. Illustrations and photos should be pasted into text with good quality resolution, and they should also be sent in separate files, in jpg. Photomicrographs should include data about stain technique and amplification at the end of legend to each part of the picture. A scale bar should be added to each photomicrograph. If any scaled marker does not appear in the picture, the original magnification should be informed in legend.

 References: The references should be typed into numerical order after the Acknowledgements section. Number the references in the order in which they are cited by the first time in the text. Use Arabic numerals. Two or more references should be separated by comma without space (1, 5, 7), three or more consecutive references should be separated by a hyphen (4-9) and two or more consecutive references should be separated by a semicolon without space (4-9; 13-16). References should be organized according to NBR 6023. Avoid references from non-scientific sources such as blogs, websites and vlogs. References from Scientific Articles should not be cited as electronic documents.


 Periodic Articles:

 ABESSA, D.M.S.; SOUSA, E.C.P.M.; TOMMASI, L.R. Utilização de testes de toxicidade na avaliação da qualidade de sedimentos marinhos. Revista de Geologia, Fortaleza, v. 19, n. 2, p. 253-261, jul./dez. 2006.


TAVARES, M. C. G. C. Imagem corporal: conceito e desenvolvimento. São Paulo: Manole, 2003.

For more than 3 authors:

URANI, A. et al. Constituição de uma matriz de contabilidade social para o Brasil. Brasília, DF: IPEA, 1994.

 Book chapter with proper authorship:

 MOREIRA, A. A profissionalização da enfermagem. In: OGUISSO, T. (Org.). Trajetória histórica e legal da enfermagem. São Paulo: Manole, 2005. p. 98-119.

 Work presented in event:

 SIMÕES, G. S.; SILVA, J.; TOLEDO, A. S. Micobactérias não tuberculosas isoladas de pacientes com síndrome da imunodeficiência adquirida. In: CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE MICROBIOLOGIA, 17., Santos. Anais... Santos: EDITORA, 1993. p.41.


 SILVA, M.A.B. Sistema de Classificação Fuzzy para áreas contaminadas. 2005. 221f. Tese (Doutorado em Engenharia) - Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, 2005.

 Document in electronic way:

 SLATER, P. J. B.; JOANES, A. E. Timing of songs and distance call learning in zebra finches. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2004.

 Article or book not published yet:

To cite an article or book accepted for publication but not published yet, you should include all necessary data and write at the end of the reference between parentheses, the term: in press.

Informal communications (verbal information):

Mention available data in note, and indicate between parentheses, the expression: verbal information.

Artigo original

The manuscripts should contain: title, subtitle, name of authors, abstract and key words in Portuguese. Introduction; Text [(methods, results, discussion (or results and discussion)] and Conclusion. Title, subtitle, abstract and key words in English. References according to NBR 6023.

Artigos de Revisões/Review Papers

Review papers should be organized by researchers that had given important contributions for a specific area of Biological and Health Sciences. Review papers should contain: title, subtitle, name of authors, abstract and key words in Portuguese. Introduction; Text (literature review) and Comments. Title, subtitle, abstract and key words in English. References according to NBR 6023. It is recommended at least 30 (thirty) references.


Comment session objectives to allow the dialogue between scientific community and SaBios. It should not contain more than four pages.

Artigos breves/Short Communications

Short Communications are relates regarding an only subject that should be concise but complete. A Short Communication should not have sections (Introduction, Methods, etc.) and must contain title, subtitle, name of authors, abstract and key words in Portuguese. The text should not exceed 9 pages, excluding references, in the maximum 2 figures or tables (or one figure and one table). Title, subtitle, abstract and key words in English. References according to NBR 6023.

Relato de Caso/Case

Cases must contain title, subtitle, name of authors, abstract and key words in Portuguese. Introduction, Text (literature review); Case relate, Discussion and Conclusion. Title, subtitle, abstract and key words in English. References according to NBR 6023.


The editorial session aims to allow dialogue between the Editors and the scientific community.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.